Pistoia Novecento. Extended to 9th January - Visit Pistoia

1 October 2020/9 January 2022

Pistoia Novecento. Extended to 9th January

Pistoia, Palazzo dei Rossi

Home / Events / Pistoia Novecento. Extended to 9th January

1 October 2020
9 January 2022
Palazzo dei Rossi
Via de' Rossi, 7
Pistoia, 51100 Italia
+39 0573 974267
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Pistoia Novecento. Extended to 9th January

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Pistoia Novecento is the large-scale project dedicated to Fondazione Pistoia Musei’s permanent collection, with works from the Fondazione Caript Foundation and Intesa Sanpaolo (formerly the Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia) collections, designed to provide the most thorough understanding possible of the Pistoian artistic scene in all its variations throughout the last century. The first part of the project, which finished at the end of August 2020, focused on the first half of the twentieth century in Pistoia.

In addition to the works by Pistoian artists in Fondazione Pistoia Musei’s permanent collection, the exhibition also brings together works by artists who were not from Pistoia but who established an exchange and a dialogue with the city, as well as works loaned from public and private collections.

The radical design of Archizoom, the binary logic of Gianfranco Chiavacci’s works, the collages of Remo Gordigiani, the abstractionist explorations of Gualtiero NativiMario Nigro and Fernando Melani, the Pop-Art paintings and objects of Roberto BarniUmberto BuscioniAdolfo Natalini and Gianni Ruffi: more than 70 works mark the second chapter of the Pistoia Novecento project with the exhibition entitled An Overview of the Art of the Post World War II period, a long-term temporary exhibition curated by Alessandra Acocella, Annamaria Iacuzzi and Caterina Toschi.