Werther Quartet - Visit Pistoia

22 July 2021-21:00/23:00

Werther Quartet

Pistoia, Villa Stonorov – Fondazione Vivarelli

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22 July 2021-21:00/23:00
Villa Stonorov – Fondazione Vivarelli
Via Felceti 11
Pistoia, 51100 Italia
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Werther Quartet

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« I love Mozart tenderly but I venerate Beethoven like a god who is always far away and will never be one of us”. With these words, Schumann began to compose his string quartets op. 41, in a spirit of emulation rather than imitation of the last 5 wonderful Beethoven quartets.  This spirit permeates all of Schumann’s compositions as he searched for a new poetry to be able to mirror his romantic ideals, but which had its foundations in tradition; a poetry that 50 years later, even Gustav Mahler would have taken on in his quest to exalt the Beethoven symphonic idea.

The programme, therefore, does not want to only follow a poetic path but it also wants to represent the evolution of the heroic ideal – ever present in Beethoven times – as a cornerstone of romantic poetry right up to the titanic achievements of “Mahler’s music”.
(Werther Quartet)

Numbered seat euro 10,00 (full price) 6,00 (reduced-price*)

*Reduced price: Over65, Under30, with Carta Fedeltà Far.com, Unicoop Firenze members, with seasonal subscriptions ATP 2019/2020 (drama, symphonic and chamber music), enrolled in the ‘Scuola di Musica e Danza “Mabellini”, ‘il Funaro’ members, enrolled in FAI (Italian National Trust), CRAL (Recreational and Welfare Centre for Workers), cultural Associations with special agreements with the ‘Associazione Teatrale Pistoiese’.

Advanced booking from 12th June at the Manzoni Theatre Booking Office in Pistoia 0573 991609 – 27112; online on www.teatridipistoia.it e www.bigliettoveloce.it