A book on Atto of Pistoia. A recognition in the library - Visit Pistoia

26 June 2021/27 June 2021

A book on Atto of Pistoia. A recognition in the library

Pistoia, Biblioteca Fabroniana

Home / Events / A book on Atto of Pistoia. A recognition in the library

26 June 2021
27 June 2021
Biblioteca Fabroniana
Piazzetta S. Filippo, 1
Pistoia, Italia
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A book on Atto of Pistoia. A recognition in the library

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The exhibition, set up in the Fabronian Library’s historic rooms, will enable you to get to know a series of texts that, from the 17th century onwards, promoted and enhanced the figure of Atto, canonized on 24th January 1605 thanks to the interest of the ‘Ordine Vallombrosano’ (monastic relgious order in Vallombrosa) and the Pistoia Church.

The exhibition is one of the collateral events of the Study Convention promoted by the Pistoia Diocese, the Vallombrosa monks, the Town of Pistoia and the Department of SAGAS (History, Archeology, Geography, Art and Theatre) of Florence University: Atto, abbot of Vallombrosa. Historiographic analysis and research on the life and works of a man of the 12th century, organized by Francesco Salvestrini; it will take place in Pistoia on the 26th and 27th June 2021, in the ‘Sala Maggiore’ of the Pistoia Town Hall and online on the youtube channel of the diocese.

Inauguration Friday 25th June at 11 a.m.

The exhibition can be visited during the library’s opening times with the possibility of guided and booked visits, with the curator.

For information and bookings: fabroniana@tiscali.it – Piazzetta San Filippo, 1 – 51100 Pistoia – on Tuesdays and Thursdays 8.30-12.30