Medioevo a Pistoia. Crocevia di artisti fra Romanico e Gotico - Visit Pistoia

27 November 2021/29 May 2022

Medioevo a Pistoia. Crocevia di artisti fra Romanico e Gotico

Pistoia, Antico Palazzo dei Vescovi e Museo Civico

Home / Events / Medioevo a Pistoia. Crocevia di artisti fra Romanico e Gotico

27 November 2021
29 May 2022
Antico Palazzo dei Vescovi e Museo Civico
Piazza del Duomo
Pistoia, 51100
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Medioevo a Pistoia. Crocevia di artisti fra Romanico e Gotico

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The exhibition takes place during the Jacobean Year, celebrating the cult of St James, and presents for the first time the extraordinary panorama of the arts in Pistoia from the 12th to the early 15th centuries. It is addressed both to specialists and to the national and international public.

Through a selection of paintings, sculptures, metalwork and illuminated manuscripts, with important loans from abroad, the exhibition reveals the leadership of Pistoia in the fine and decorative arts during the Middle Ages. In this way Pistoia challenged other major centres of Tuscany, thanks to the splendor of its monuments and the distinguished patronage that commissioned their decoration.

The exhibition is curated by Ada Labriola, Enrica Neri Lusanna e Angelo Tartuferi. An event by Pistoia Musei and Fondazione CARIPT. Partner Comune di Pistoia, Diocesi di Pistoia. Main sponsor Conad.

Antico Palazzo dei Vescovi and Museo Civico (Palazzo Comunale), in Piazza del Duomo.

Medioevo a Pistoia
Medioevo a Pistoia

Opening times and tickets

Wed-Sun 10-20, Thu 10-22, Mon and Tue closed
Full €10, reduced €7


Fondazione Pistoia Musei

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