From hell to the infinite - Visit Pistoia

24 July 2021-21:00/23:00

From hell to the infinite

Pistoia, Fortezza Santa Barbara

Home / Events / From hell to the infinite

24 July 2021-21:00/23:00
Fortezza Santa Barbara
Piazza della Resistenza
Pistoia, 51100
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From hell to the infinite

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The strong creative force of the Imagination of the pages of Hillman and Citati accompany and perhaps
expalin (partly) the descent into the dark, into the intimacy of human nature, that Dante puts into poetry in
the beginning of his Hell; his search for and his meeting with Himself. In Wagner’s lovely words, the
strength of music (which accompanies the whole performance) becomes an emotional force which
precedes, accompanies, and amplifies the torture of amorous passions (Paolo and Francesca), of
abandonment (The Temptation of Valduga), of brutality like in the canto of Count Ugolino. Of natural
abysses which bring to the stage other maternal and paternal figures: Pasolini, Morante. This all goes
together to render the research and the interior and poetical narrative of Masters, far from each other in
time, one great and unique soul that tells of the infinite paths of the testament of Himself….Umberto Eco’s words and the famous psychoanalyst Galimberti come with us, human beings of the present, in the
understanding of our interior Hell and our Infinite intuition…..all perceived and given to us from one
single source, artistic Intuition, of men and women, who have “looked for themselves”. (Cesare Pavese)

The show opened the 2015 Days of the Italian Language at the Accademia della Crusca in Florence and
in the Aula Magna of the ‘Università la Sapienza’ in Rome.

Numbered seat euro 15,00 (full price) 10,00 (reduced price*)

*Reduced price: Over65, Under30, with Carta Fedeltà, Unicoop Firenze members, with seasonal
subscriptions ATP 2019/2020 (drama, symphonic and chamber music), enrolled in the ‘Scuola di Musica
e Danza “Mabellini”, ‘il Funaro’ members, enrolled in FAI (Italian National Trust), CRAL (Recreational
and Welfare Centre for Workers), cultural Associations with special agreements with the ‘Associazione
Teatrale Pistoiese’.