Dell’arte contagiosa - Visit Pistoia

26 June 2021-08:00/17:00

Dell’arte contagiosa

Serravalle Pistoiese, Rocca Castruccio Castracani

Home / Events / Dell’arte contagiosa

26 June 2021-08:00/17:00
Rocca Castruccio Castracani
Serravalle Pistoiese, 51030
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Dell’arte contagiosa

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The celebration for the 700 years since the death of Dante Alighieri will open the summer season at Rocca di Castruccio at Serravalle Pistoiese.

The appointment is on Saturday 26th June at 9 p.m. with the event “Dell’arte contagiosa” (Contagious Art), an artistic and theatrical journey through Dante’s INFERNO Canto VII: The misers and the profligates.

Dante, with his extraordinary journey in the afterworld, is searching for eternal salvation, through the knowledge of the flaws and sins of man; but he is also seeking to understand the beauty of the universe and the joy of life, from the depth of the human intellect to the unparelleled gift of life: a story narrated by an artist, a poet, a visionary, or perhaps, quite simply, by a man who liked to search within himself and within the human soul and so to do this, he conceived the Divine Comedy, a book written 700 years ago but which is, nowadays, more timeless than ever.

In the afternoon, you can watch a medieval trial take place in the little square of the Church of Santo Stefano at 5.30 p.m., organized by the “I Processati” group coming from the Pro Loco of Serravalle Pistoiese. At 7.30 p.m., at Rocca di Castruccio, there will be a show of folk dances by the “L’Aura” Company of Castellina
For information and bookings: Tel. 3472517702, mail:,