Ivano Battiston Accordion - Visit Pistoia

27 June 2021-21:00/23:00

Ivano Battiston Accordion

Pistoia, Villa Stonorov – Fondazione Vivarelli

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27 June 2021-21:00/23:00
Villa Stonorov – Fondazione Vivarelli
Via Felceti 11
Pistoia, 51100 Italia
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Ivano Battiston Accordion

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Ivano Battiston, a true expert and poet of the accordion, is offering a programme dedicated to the centennial birth of Astor Piazzolla, placing the great Argentinian musician right next to two Tuscan composers: Bernardo Pasquini from Pistoia and Domenico Zipoli from Prato.

Piazzolla’s compositions, which open the concert, and which were written in the 1950’s, belong to his more traditional repertory while those at the central part of the concert are those of the so-called “Tango Nuevo”, and are more experimental. The concert will close with the great Argentinian musican’s most popular and well-known pieces. One curious fact: Piazzolla’s origins are partially Tuscan! One of the composer’s grandmothers was actually from Massa Rossorosso, near Collemandina in the province of Lucca.

Numbered seat euro 10,00 (full price) 6,00 (reduced-price*)

*Reduced price: Over65, Under30, with Carta Fedeltà Far.com, Unicoop Firenze members, with seasonal subscriptions ATP 2019/2020 (drama, symphonic and chamber music), enrolled in the ‘Scuola di Musica e Danza “Mabellini”, ‘il Funaro’ members, enrolled in FAI (Italian National Trust), CRAL (Recreational and Welfare Centre for Workers), cultural Associations with special agreements with the ‘Associazione Teatrale Pistoiese’.

Advanced booking from 12th June at the Manzoni Theatre Booking Office in Pistoia 0573 991609 – 27112; online on www.teatridipistoia.it e www.bigliettoveloce.it