Un altro parco in città 2024 - Visit Pistoia

13 September/15 September

Un altro parco in città 2024

Pistoia, Pistoia

Home / Events / Un altro parco in città 2024

13 September
15 September
Pistoia, 51100
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Un altro parco in città 2024

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From Friday, September 13th to Sunday, September 15th, 2024, Un Altro Parco in Città (UAPC) returns, the event dedicated to the greenery that transforms the centre of Pistoia into a large garden.

The historic centre will become an open-air park with grass lawns and tall trees. Citizens and tourists can participate in recreational activities, music events, talks, and round tables.

Organized by UAPC APS, the Municipality of Pistoia, the Pistoia Tourist Consortium, Confcommercio Enterprises for Italy and the Province, the Foundation Cassa di Risparmio of Pistoia and Pescia, Giorgio Tesi Vivai Agricultural Company, and Coldiretti Pistoia.

Free admission. This event is part of the Pistoia—summer in the City 2024 program. Click here for the schedule.


Friday, September 13th

4-8 pm, Piazza Duomo – Breast cancer prevention activities with a mobile unit
Organized by Usl Pistoia, Ispro, and FRO (Radiation Oncology Foundation)

5-6 pm, Piazza Duomo – Olympic champions, role models for young people
Talk with champions Gek Galanda and Gabriele Magni

6:30 pm-midnight, Piazza Santo Spirito – Inauguration of the sports area

7-8:30 pm & 10:30 pm-midnight, Piazzetta degli Ortaggi – Street performers and live music

Saturday, September 14th

9 am-1 pm & 3-7 pm, Piazza Duomo – Breast cancer prevention activities with a mobile unit
Organized by Usl Pistoia, Ispro, and FRO (Radiation Oncology Foundation)

10 am-12 pm, Piazza Duomo – Trees in the city and urban forestry: Ideas, projects, publications
Debate/discussion on the role of trees in cities and the importance of urban forestry.
Organized by the Italian Association of Landscape Architecture – AIAPP, Tuscany Umbria Marche section (TUM). Scientific direction and coordination by Nicoletta Boccardi.

10 am-midnight, Piazza Santo Spirito – Sports activities, street performers, live music

12:10-1 pm, Piazza Duomo – Plants: The building blocks of the landscape are becoming more sustainable
A journey to discover the peculiarities and qualities of plants that adapt to urban environments and beyond, considering the changing climate and new socio-economic needs.
Organized by Coldiretti Pistoia and the Italian Association of Landscape Architecture – AIAPP

5:15-6 pm, Piazza Duomo – Folco Terzani presents his book Barefoot on Earth
Moderated by Lorenzo Cipriani

6-6:15 pm, Piazza Duomo – Naturart Village
A space showcasing the values and synergies of Giorgio Tesi Group and the region. With Marco Cappellini and Nicolò Begliomini.

6:15-7:15 pm – A sustainable world is possible
Giovanni Storti, of the trio Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo, will present his new project Immedia, a portal and stage for a sustainable future. With Arianna Izzi, naturalist and science communicator.

7-8:30 pm & 10:30 pm-midnight, Piazzetta degli Ortaggi – Street performers and live music

10 pm-midnight, Piazza della Sala – Street performers, live music

10 pm-2 am, Piazza Duomo – DJ Set

Sunday, September 15th

9 am-1 pm & 3-7 pm, Piazza Duomo – Breast cancer prevention activities with a mobile unit
Organized by Usl Pistoia, Ispro, and FRO (Radiation Oncology Foundation).

9:30 am-12:30 pm, Piazza della Sala – Let’s have fun with the clown Mammolo
Organized by Avis Pistoia.

9:30 am-1:30 pm, Piazza Santo Spirito, Osteria I Fratelli – Pizza-making workshop
Osteria Fratelli and Gi.Metal, a company from Montale, are organizing a pizza-making workshop for children.
Schedule: 9:30-10:30 am, 10:30-11:30 am, 12:30-1:30 pm
Info and reservations: +39 0573 364665

10 am-12 pm, Piazza Duomo – Naturart Kids
In collaboration with Aboca Erbe, presentation of children’s books The Fabulous World of Plants by Stefano Mancuso and Philip Giordano and Pando: A True Story by Giorgia Conversi and Andrea Rivola. Followed by free educational workshops for children, organized by Impresa Sociale Germina, with the presence of Giorgia Conversi.

10 am-5 pm, Piazzetta degli Ortaggi – L’Incontrario
Project Diversa_Menta Arte

10 am-6 pm, Piazzetta degli Ortaggi – Senny English Club
For children aged 3 to 10, fun activities in English.

11:30 am-1 pm, 2:30-3 pm, 5:30-7 pm, 8-9:30 pm, Piazzetta degli Ortaggi – Street performers, live music

12-1:30 pm & 8:30-10 pm, Piazza della Sala – Street performers, live music

12:30-2 pm, 2:30-6 pm, 7-8:30 pm, Piazza Santo Spirito – Street performers, live music

3:30-6:30 pm, Piazza della Sala – Close-up magic show
Pistoia Magic presents a magic show by Marco Marchese. Organized by Avis Pistoia.

4-4:45 pm, Piazza Duomo – Talk by Mauro Garofalo
Organized by Climate Fiction Days with Cosi, Repossi, and Mauro Garofalo.

5-5:45 pm, Piazza Duomo – Defeating the heat: The impact of urban greenery on the city’s climate
Speakers: Luca Carra, Francesco Scarel, Michele Libralato; moderated by Viola Bachini.

6-6:45 pm, Piazza Duomo – From wars to climate: The complex relationship between science and international politics
Presentation of the book Ragione di Stato, Ragione di Scienza. Speaker: Giacomo Destro; moderated by Viola Bachini.

7-7:45 pm, Piazza Duomo – Talk with Dr. Giulia Ciccarelli – Medicine in the kitchen

8-8:45 pm, Piazza Duomo – Conference organized by Confcommercio


UAPC – Un Altro Parco in Città